Last week a project years in the making was completed, as the Center for Early Childhood Education's south play yard renovation finished and the children were able to play and enjoy the brand-new equipment and layout.
This project was initiated in 2018 and made progress before the pandemic sidelined it. In 2023, CECE was finally able to make major progress with it, which was critical given the safety hazards and accessibility issues that existed. Phase I of the project included a completely demolished south center play yard to address lifting caused by tree roots that created safety hazards for the children, staff, and parents.
"We've been eagerly anticipating this moment for a long time and we're thrilled to finally see it happening," CECE Director Dr. Davina Marie Bailey said. "Phase II of this project is already underway and has an anticipated completion in April 2025."
The project objective was to update the outdoor learning environment's recreational equipment, provide required shading and lighting, achieve a more inclusionary environment, and ensure compliance with safety codes and regulations. The installation featured current, heat-resistant, long-lasting equipment, while implementing the necessary codes and regulations required. An environment was created that is an extension of the classroom environment, supports engagement, and is easily accessible by all children. This provides natural, open-ended opportunities for discovery and science.
CECE worked hard over the last five years to secure funding for the project that will be completed in two phases. Funding for the project was provided in part by the Governor and Legislature from the 2022/2023 General Fund allocation for Extreme Heat and/or Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund for California Climate Investments as administered by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Urban and Community Forestry Program.
Phase II will see the north play yard demolished and renovated in the same fashion.