
CECE South | Classroom #129


Daily Schedule

8:30am - 8:50am Arrival / Attendance / Flag Salute / Calendar / Daily Objectives / Sight Words / Poem of the Week / Thematic Song
8:50am - 9:00am Morning Snack
9:00am - 9:15am P.E.
9:15am - 9:30am Recess-Free Choice
9:30am - 10:00am Line-up / get water & use restroom / Review letters, sounds, numbers / Whole Group: Read Aloud / Shared Reading
10:00am - 11:45am Learning Centers: Rotation of 6-8 daily. *If children do not finish their activity they have an opportunity to do so in the PM.
11:45am - 12:05pm Review of Activities (Learning Centers) / Prepare for lunch-wash hands, use restrooms, select table, get lunch (cafeteria style)
12:05pm - 12:30pm Brush teeth / Line-up for whole group game on playground
12:30pm - 1:00 pm Recess: free play on playground
1:00pm - 1:20pm Music – (Tuesday- Friday) *No music on Fridays when there is a field trip
1:20pm - 1:30pm Rest to Soft Music
1:30pm - 1:40pm Story Time
1:40pm - 2:15pm Free Choice-Play Centers *Finsih learning centers if needed
2:15pm - 2:30pm Review Homework on Mon. / Parent Volunteer / Distribute Book Bags
2:30pm Dismissal

*Schedule can change when needed. Notification will be given A.S.A.P